Our Service ยป Soil Investigation

The soil investigation provides and important information for the construction notably for the foundation. The soils investigations will guide the method defines type of foundations (Strip footing, mat foundation, foundation piers, and foundation piles…)
Our  Khmer 21 Estate Group will perform the works are following:
1.    Soil boring at the site
2.    In-situ Test by Standard Penetration Test (SPT) 1.50 meters intervals at the bottom of each boring hole.
3.    Laboratory testing of collected samples.
The report presents the ground conditions, soil mechanics, Standard Penetration Test (SPT) results, and field boring log recording.

SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work for investigation included the following:
·    FIELD WORK: All field works activities were supervised by Civil Engineers.
Standard Penetration Test was carried out 1.50m intervals inside the boring hole. A standard split spoons of 50.8mm diameter with a ball check value on the top and harden steel cutter. A Standard spilt spoon was installed and drives into the soil by a 63.5Kg, automatic drop hammer falling freely from a fixed height of 760mm along a guide rod. 

The blow counts defined for each 150mm penetration of the seating drive. The total penetration of the spoon is 450mm and the numbers of blow N-value for last 300mm. Penetration was recorded as the N- value of the soil stratum encountered which indicated the relative density of non-cohesive soil as well as the consistency of the cohesive soil.
    - Undisturbed samples: The Undisturbed samples were taken in the natural state of the soil from firm to stiff clay and sandy clay. The undisturbed samples were taken by thin wall tube sampler in the natural state.
    - Disturbed samples: The disturbed samples were taken at a rate of 1.5m and all strata in each borehole. The disturbed samples were also collected from soft to stiff clay and sandy soil.

The laboratory testing was supervised by: 
·    Engineer of Geology
·    Civil Engineer.
The Laboratory Testing Program Included:
    1- Natural water contents determination
    2- Density and dry density determination
    3- Atterberg limit tests of selected cohesive or sandy soil
4- Specific gravity determination
    5- Sieves distribution Test 
6- Direct Shear Test
    7- Unconfined Compression Test    
The testing-procedure was conducted in accordance with ASTM Standard and classified soil by USCS. The summary of testing result is presented in the table characteristic of Soil Mechanic in the end of this section.

The analysis and recommendation submitted in this report based on available information. Since significant variations in soil conditions may occur between the boring, it is recommended that pile experienced soil engineer to assure that the bearing capacity conform to the design and specifications.

The suggestion and recommendation herein are based on available data obtained from limited specified soil information, the homogeneity of soil formation assumption, and equations involved in the calculation, which are believed to be reliable. However, such prediction or recommendations should be verified by full-scale test of investigation during construction period to obtain more precise reliable data. Construction method must be adapted to best suit the analysis method assumption. We do not make any representations as to its accuracy or completeness. Any data or design criterion is only current solutions which are subjected to change or revise.

This report has been prepared in order to help the engineer in the evaluation of the site conditions only, to assist the engineer for design the project. Based on our understanding of the detail design, criteria & utilization of the project as outlined herein. If our understanding of the design and utilization is not acceptable, we should be promptly informed of the correct data, and then we may revise our recommendations as appropriate as you need.   


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